[Greek] [Latin] [en] [de] Sphinx Classical Grammar Drill
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accendo, to light a fire adiuuo, to help ago, to do amitto, to lose amplector, to embrace aperio, to open ardeo, to burn ascendo, to climb audeo, to dare audio, to hear augeo, to increase bibo, to drink capio, to take carpo, to pick caueo, to beware cedo, to yield censeo, to judge cingo, to surround claudo, to shut coepi, to have begun cognosco, to come to know confido, to trust confiteor, to confess conor, to try constituo, to decide coquo, to cook credo, to believe cubo, to lie down cupio, to desire decipio, to deceive defendo, to defend deleo, to destroy defendo, to defend descendo, to climb down dico, to speak diligo, to love do, to give doceo, to teach domo, to tame duco, to lead eo, to go euado, to escape experior, to try facio, to make faueo, to favor fero, to carry fio, to become/be made fleo, to weep foueo, to cherish fruor, to enjoy fugio, to flee fulgeo, to shine fungor, to perform gaudeo, to rejoice gero, to do gradior, to walk iacio, to throw induo, to put on inspicio, to look into intellego, to understand inuenio, to find iubeo, to order iungo, to join iuuo, to help labor, to slip laedo, to harm lauo, to wash lego, to read loquor, to speak luceo, to shine ludo, to play lugeo, to mourn malo, to prefer maneo, to remain memini, to remember metuo, to fear mitto, to send moneo, to advise mordeo, to bite morior, to die moueo, to move neglego, to neglect nolo, to refuse nubo, to marry odi, to hate operio, to cover opprimo, to surprise ordior, to begin orior, to arise ostendo, to show paro, to prepare patior, to suffer pendeo, to hang perficio, to complete pergo, to carry on plaudo, to clap posco, to demand possideo, to possess possum, to be able potior, to acquire progredior, to advance promitto, to promise queror, to complain rapio, to seize reddo, to give back rego, to reign reor, to think respondeo, to reply rideo, to laugh salio, to dance scribo, to write seco, to cut sedeo, to sit sentio, to feel sequor, to follow soleo, to be accustomed soluo, to release spondeo, to pledge sto, to give suadeo, to persuade sum, to be sumo, to take surgo, to rise tango, to touch tego, to cover teneo, to hold torqueo, to twist traho, to drag ueho, to carry uenio, to come uereor, to fear uerto, to turn ueto, to forbid uideo, to see uinco, to conquer uincio, to bind uiso, to go to see uiuo, to live uolo, to wish uoluo, to roll uoueo, to vow , to